
Clinical decision support

The power of AI combined with our expertise brings you GML solutions. Clinical decision support is within reach with any type of quantitative medical data.

What we Do

5P medicine via GML


Personnalized: GML adapts the usual standards to each profile


Predictive: GML guides you to the right treatment


Preventive: GML can detect early signs and prevent the onset of certain diseases.


Participatory: GML is associated with an interactive interface that enables patients to play an active role in their own care.


Evidence-based: GML is constantly put to the test by scientific publications

Screening for inner ear disorders

LAbyrInthGML can be used to detect inner ear malformations responsible for vertigo and/or hearing loss, based on an MRI or CT scan.

It contributes to a better understanding of pathologies and associated therapeutic avenues.

Prevention of therapeutic complications

SepIAGML is a software program for assessing the risk of therapeutic complications from some treatments for multiple sclerosis.

Screening for blood disorders

BiodAIsicsGML makes it possible to assess the risk of kidney disease from a blood test before the disease reaches an advanced stage.

Screening for neurological abnormalities

BrAInGML is a software program that enables early detection of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis from the first brain MRI. It helps to improve patient care.

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